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Name: Koldo Garcia
Current Startup: The Mad Video
- Universidad de Deusto, Business and Tourism Activities
- CEV, Master in Digital Design
- Tracor, Master in Multimedia Design
- Insituto Europe di Design, Master in Corporate Identity
- CEI, Master in Web Design
Bio: Koldo has previous experience as a Graphic Designer at Agencia de Diseno Multimedia and a Freelance Art Director. He has also worked at Insetel as a Web Art Director, and taught Graphic Arts at Instituto de Artes Graficas Tajamar for 3 years.
He founded madpixel (The Mad Pixel Factory) in Spain in 1999 with co-founder Iñaki Arredondo. They created the company with the idea to specialize in innovative solutions for the Internet. He started The Mad Video, madpixel’s spin off company, in the Silicon Valley in 2011.
Vision: Our ambitious vision is to do something that changes the world. Maybe something on a small scale but something that leaves a bit of an impression. In our case, our goal is that video does not return to what it was before. That within a few years we won’t be able to imagine video without a solution like ours.
Staying Motivated: I think that when you believe in your product and are really doing something that can impact the lives of a lot people and really change the way people do things, and make it better, it’s really motivating. Little by little we are showing people that we can change video and the way people relate to it. We are doing something relevant to what millions of people are doing with video and that is really encouraging and exciting.
Greatest Mentors: I am still looking for my great mentor. I have really great and supportive colleagues that I have learned a lot of things from. One of my co-founders, Iñaki Arredondo, taught me strong ethics and how to have great honest relationships with cohorts and customers.
Want to learn more about @themadvideo? Connect with Koldo on Twitter @koldogb