Check out Founders Network members making headlines in this week’s member news roundup. Founders Network offers peer mentorship for over 450 tech startup founders. To learn more about FN, please visit www.foundersnetwork.com
Justin Parfitt and Dean Kelly Announced Their Mobile App HeyLets Launched in the iTunes store. HeyLets shows you popular, nearby experiences posted by people with similar interests.
Marcus Nelson‘s startup Addvocate unveiled new enterprise social sharing platform. Addvocate provides the technology, the expertise and the guidance to help businesses magnify employees’ social voices to increase sales, inform customers, and enhance the reputation of their brand, their company and their products.
Arjun Dev Arora‘s was one of the Best and Brightest in Wellness™ in the Country Named for 2013. ReTargeter is a full-service display advertising solution specializing in retargeting and audience targeting.
Solomon Hykes‘ startup dotCloud was featured in Wired. dotCloud makes it incredibly easy for developers to deploy and scale their applications by combining powerful, ready-to-use cloud services.
Mark McGuire‘s startup Nextt was featured in The Washing State Journal. Nextt is a dedicated place for friends who want to do more together in the real world.
Linden Tibbetts‘ startup IFTT was featured in iAcquire. IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement: if this then that.
Domingo Guerra‘s startup Appthority was selected as SINET 16 Innovator to present at 2013 SINET Showcase. Appthority is a San Francisco based startup that helps the enterprise identify and manage the risks hidden in mobile apps.
Randy Cox‘s startup Pricing Healthcare releases “Self-Pay” prices for Common procedures at nearly 400 California Hospitals. Pricing Healthcare is a localized online marketplace for consumers to compare healthcare prices.
Tom Larkin‘s startup Social Rebate was featured in Marketing Tech Blog. Social Rebate is Social Rebate is an innovative e-commerce solution that converts your customers’ purchases into highly credible Social Media Marketing.
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