Check out Founders Network members making headlines in this week’s member news roundup. Founders Network offers peer mentorship for over 450 tech startup founders. To learn more about FN, please visit www.foundersnetwork.com
Richard White‘s startup UserVoice won the CRM Idol 2013. UserVoice creates simple customer engagement tools that help companies understand and interact with their customers more positively and build customer.
Richard Mandeberg startup GroundCntrl signed a multi-year software agreement with TPN. GroundCntrl is a mobile workforce management for remote workers.
Rakesh Tondon‘s startup LE TOTE launched new Jewelry Service “Jewelry Box”. LE TOTE is a women’s online fashion rental service offering access to UNLIMITED boutique style apparel and accessories for everyday wear.
Anthony Owen‘s startup Manalto was featured in VentureBeat. Manalto is a provider of innovative Social ERP software solutions and Premium services, including strategic social media, digital landing pages and social media marketing services.
Andrew Fogg‘s startup Import.io turns any website into an API for free. import.io‘s mission is to structure the web and make web data available to everyone.
Laurent Lavigne‘s startup Elefantopia released their game McDROID in the Windows Store. Elefantopia makes high quality games with a dash of ecology and a pinch of spirituality.
Michael Rapadas released his app Battery Hero in the Mac App Store. Battery Hero tells you when to start and stop charging your laptop using the 40/80 Rule.
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