Check out Founders Network members making headlines in this week’s member news roundup. Founders Network offers peer mentorship for over 450 tech startup founders. To learn more about FN, please visit www.foundersnetwork.com
Arjun Dev Arora of ReTargeter was featured in Forbes. ReTargeter is a full-service display advertising solution specializing in retargeting and audience targeting.
Vinny Lingham‘s startup Gyft was featured in Symbian. Gyft is a digital gift card platform that lets you manage your gift cards.
Matthew Faustman‘s startup UpCounsel was featured in the Wall Street Journal. UpCounsel gets you price quotes right away from screened and vetted lawyers to get you high quality legal services & legal advice.
Ioannis Verdelis of Fleksy was featured in Mashable. Fleksy is an input method for touchscreen devices which offers a traditional tap typing interface coupled with some gesturesfor common functions such as space, delete and word correction.
Cynthia Schames‘ startup AbbeyPost was featured in Daily News. AbbeyPost is a buy-sell marketplace exclusively focused on the $18B women’s Plus Size fashion market.
Eneko Knorr announced his startup Ludei is partnering with Nickelodeon. Ludei is a game technology company that provides developers with all the ingredients they need to quickly and easily develop, optimize and distribute HTML5-based games.
Nathan Parcells of InternMatch was featured in Journal Standard. InternMatch is an online platform that connects students with amazing companies and helps companies hire amazing students.
Francis Pedraza Founder of Everest was featured in Scoop.it. Everest gives people the tools and community they need to live their dreams and achieve personal goals.
Hugo Bernardo, Founder of Easy Vino was featured in Hartford Business Journal. Easy Vino is a mobile private sommelier that recommends the best wine available at a restaurant based on the consumer’s.
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