Check out Founders Network members making headlines in this week’s member news roundup. Founders Network offers peer mentorship for over 300 tech startup founders. To learn more about FN, please visit www.foundersnetwork.com
Domingo Guerra’s startup Appthority was featured on USA Today. Appthority provides the industry’s first fully automated App Risk Management service that employs static and dynamic analysis to discover the true behavior of apps and measure the total risk within minutes.
Ioannis Verdelis’ startup Syntellia, Inc is currently in 7th place in the Wall Street Journal Startup of the Year competition. Syntellia, Inc. is a revolutionary keyboard technology for touch-screens. So powerful, you can even type without looking.
Matthew Faustman of UpCounsel for being featured on Bloomberg Law. UpCounsel is the fastest growing online workplace for business legal needs, where businesses are enabled to easily hire and manage.
Eneko Knorr’s startup Ludei announced the release of 1.4.1 versions of CocoonJS. Ludei is a development platform that provides developers with the tools, APIs and services to deliver and monetize HTML5 apps.
Michael Castellano’s startup Engajer now allows users to personalize their interactive experience on Facebook. Engajer is a cloud-based sales and communication platform that engages viewers deeply via interactive non-linear online videos, provides deep lead.
Arjan de Raaf announced his startup Totally.Me is now making real-time user generated content available for your website. Totally.Me pulls together all your social accounts, news headlines, bookmarks and widgets into one experience.
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