Founders Network Members reflect on the passing of Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Inc.
From Evan Owens, founder of PogoSeat:
“I would argue that, by taking a company he started in his garage to the most valuable the world has ever seen, he’s the greatest founder to ever live.”
From Chad Arimura, founder of Iron.io:
“When I first heard the news, I was sitting in a Starbucks at a table with a young kid signing (sign language) into an iPad across a live video stream with a girl. I watched them laugh and sigh as if they were sitting together…Then I realized, in a time when processor speeds and the size of our hard drives reigned supreme, Steve changed the context. He created an emotional connection not only to our devices, but to each other through them.”
From Matt Monday, founder of KarmaStore (former Apple employee):
“…What I realize now is that innovation is much more than just doing something that no one else is doing. You need to be able to tell a story around that innovation, that is just as key as the innovation itself. Steve perfected the art of story telling in a way that no one else could. Why? Because he truly believed in what he was saying. He had an uncommon confidence, a strength to do and say what he believed that even our highest officials lack. And I think that’s why are so saddened by his death. Steve had a confidence that would comforts us, that would delight us, that would excite us to a fever pitch. He was sure of himself and we were sure too. And now that’s gone, and it hurts. RIP Steve Jobs.”
From Michael Castellano, founder of V-Pitch:
“Today, I was at the Silicon Valley Bank CEO Summit with Guy Kawasaki who shared the 12 things that he learned from Steve Jobs:
- Experts are clueless, figure it out for yourself
- Customers cannot tell you what they need
- Biggest challenges beget the best work
- Design counts
- Use big font and big graphics
- Jump curves, not better sameness
- “Work” or “doesn’t work” is all that matters
- “Value” is different from “price”
- “A” Players hire “A+” players
- Real CEO’s can demo
- Real entrepreneurs ship “Don’t worry, be crappy”
- Some things need to be believed to be seen”