viagrap-content/uploads/2012/10/Ravim.jpg” alt=”Ravi Mittal” width=”150″ height=”150″ /> Ravi Mittal, CEO of Vuukle
Discover who’s who in the tech startup industry with Founders Network Founder Profiles. Each profile covers one of our founders, their startup vision, achievements and current focus. Gain key insights about their most valuable lessons learned, greatest mentors and tips for staying motivated.
Name: Ravi Mittal
Current Startup: Vuukle
Education: MS in Information Systems Engineering from Imperial College
About: I love solving complex problems and looking at things from a different perspective. I enjoy inventing new algorithms and then implementing them in code. My goal is to create something different but useful to people in a constructive way.
Lessons Learned:
- Working on a startup isn’t easy!
- It’s never too early to start building relationships with your potential clients. Don’t wait for your product to have all the bells and whistles.
- Try to be the lean, mean machine – only have the most basic features that are necessary for your product and do aggressive research and talk to as many people possible and convince them to use your product. If they say no, that is okay just kindly ask them what could change their mind to switch.
- Stick to the basics, don’t let your product suffer from feature creep. You have to stay focused on your product and believe in the vision you created.
- Patience, Persistence and Perseverance. Rome was not built in a day. You need to build a relationship with your client and make sure they are absolutely satisfied with your product. This can go a long way on building goodwill and getting future clients in half the time.
- Make sure you understand what pain point you are trying to solve, don’t jump into solving a problem that only 10 people have.
How to Stay Motivated:
- Go to the gym.
- Take regular breaks, relax!
- Reward yourself on a regular basis.
- Keep discussing and talking to your friends and family, tell them what you are up to and what new things you have been working on.
Greatest Mentors:
My Father, Robin Sharma, and Richard Branson.
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