Check out media coverage, news and milestones of Founders Network startups and founders
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David Litwak, CEO of Mozio. Mozio was featured on TechCrunch in For The Last Mile Of Your Trip: Mozio Launches An Airport Ground Transportation Search Engine and Gigaom in Mozio eyes an important and stressful part of travel: the airport commute. Mozio helps you find the fastest & cheapest route to the airport.
Michael Catellano, Founder and CEO of engajer. Engajer was featured in a flash mob at Dreamforce 12′. Engajer is an online interactive video selling platform that increases revenue and reduces sales costs. Read more about Engajer news here.
Ipsheeta Furtado, Co-founder of FTW Group. Ipsheeta gave a talk on Lessons Learned in Java Script. FTW group specializes in full stack web design and development for mobile and cloud applications.
Jay Shepard, CEO and President of NextWave Pharmaceuticals. NextWave Pharmaceuticals announced its acquisition by Pfizer in a press release. NextWave Pharmaceuticals is an emerging specialty pharmaceutical company.
Andrew Citores, CEO of JusCollege. JusCollege was featured on the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal in It’s JusCollege. JusCollege connects you to social experiences, local services and deals on goods.
Domingo Guerra, Founder and President of Appthority. Appthority was featured in The Search for Venture Capital at VCJ News (print) and on Information Week in Enterprise Hunger For Custom Apps Equals Developer Jobs. The Appthority Platform™ is a cloud-based solution that automatically quantifies the enterprise risk of apps. Read more about Appthority in the news here.
Cheryl Yeoh, Founder and CEO of Reclip.It. Reclip.It was featured on How to Write a Business Plan in Our interview with Cheryl Yeoh, Founder and CEO of Reclip.It. With Reclip.It you can find coupons & deals that matter to you, all in one place.
Brett Kopf, Co-founder of Remind101. Remind101 was featured on edSurge in A Teacher’s Guide to Communicating with Parents. Remind 101 is a safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents.
Daniel Hoffer, Co-founder of CouchSurfing. CouchSurfing was featured in the October issue of The Urbanist, A Policy Agenda for the Sharing Economy. CouchSurfing helps you meet and adventure with new friends around the world.
Linden Tibbetts of IFTTT. IFTTT was featured on ClinicalPsters.com in IFTTT you must remind me to be awesome and liveside.net in IFTTT launches SkyDrive Channel. IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement: if this then that.
Vinny Lingham, CEO of gyft. Gyft was featured on makeuseof.com in Gyft: Store, Redeem & Share Gift Cards From 200+ Retailers [iPhone]. Gyft helps you buy, send and receive gift cards on your mobile phone.