Check out Founders Network members making tech startup news headlines in this week’s member news roundup.
Andrew Maguire and Nathan Parcells announce LookSharp acquires Readyforce (via Catherine Shu TechCrunch). LookSharp (powering InternMatch) is an online platform that connects students with amazing companies and helps companies hire amazing students.
Rob Mancabelli‘s startup BrightBytes launches Technology & Learning Module for Service Agencies (via PRWeb). BrightBytes is an award-winning educational research and analysis organization.
William Li announces Knightscope’s Security Guard Robot can be rented hourly (via Shruti Shree, New Launches). Knightscope is developing technology that will predict and prevent crime utilizing autonomous robots, predictive analytics and social engagement.
Justin Parfitt‘s startup HeyLets lets you discover the hidden marvels of countless cities and villages (Michael Schindler, My Edmonds News). HeyLets is an experience sharing platform in development for iPhone and Android that lets users share nearby experiences posted by people with similar interests.
Sachin Chaudhry, Founder of TrustCircle, is featured in Different Diligence for serving a higher calling (via Darla Brewer, Different Diligence). TrustCircle is a peer-centered mental health network for consumers, caregivers, and healthcare providers.
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