Check out Founders Network members making headlines in this week’s member news roundup. Founders Network offers peer mentorship for over 500 tech startup founders. To learn more about FN, please visit
Solomon Hykes, Founder of Docker announced the launch of Docker 1.0 (Maria Deutscher, Silicon Angle). Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.
Matt Hendrickson, Founder of Ascendify was featured on Fox Business TV discussing how he is using social networks to help companies hire (Fox Business). Ascendify makes it more efficient for enterprise companies to connect with future talent – think “lead nurturing of future employees.”
Emily Best announced that her startup Seed&Spark has partnered with American Express’ Digital Distribution Service (Sarah Salovaara, Filmmaker Magazine). Seed&Spark joins filmmakers and film lovers in a #FairTradeFilmmaking movement.
Anson Liang‘s startup TrustLeaf has launched to help small-business owners borrow money from friends and family (Cromwell Schubarth, Silicon Valley Business Journal). TrustLeaf has developed an online platform that helps small-business owners borrow money from friends and family using personal loans.
Vincent Turner‘s startup PlanWise was named one of 10 Teams to make the finals for the Financial Capability Development Competition (Business Wire). PlanWise is a technology company that helps individuals make financial decisions and take control of their personal economy.
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