Mobile Founders met over lunch on Wednesday 1/21 at built.io offices to have a roundtable feedback session focusing on their iOS apps. The session was the brainchild of Founders Network member Kateryna Sytnyk, Chair of the Mobile Sector Group in Founders Network. Sytnyk is Founder/CTO of fract, a predictive analytics company using big data and geospatial analysis. She has been an entrepreneur since age 16 and has years of experience building iOS apps for Apple, Couchsurfing and even Lady Gaga. Sytnyk envisioned a handful of founders testing and giving feedback on one another’s mobile apps in real-time. Once the event drew the 5x crowd expected she put together a plan that allowed everyone to give and get feedback within the lunch hour. Popular themes during the session included on-boarding a new user, in-app upgrades and app sharing. Members reviewed apps in gaming, travel and life 2.0. It was a fantastic way to promote collaboration from members in San Francisco all the way to Toronto and even Finland who are building and marketing apps.
“It’s one thing to ask your friends and colleagues for feedback on your app. It’s another thing to get insights from an incredibly knowledgable and helpful group of other mobile founders who care as much as you do about building an amazing product” Sytnyck says. Fellow member Michele Spiezia Founder/CEO of Bespoke Atelier, a creative browser for visual minds thought “the pieces of key feedback provided were direct echoes of our early user feedback, which helps us know that we’re on the right track with the updates & changes we’re working on this month.” Fellow founder Ken Sangha added, “Great feedback was provided all around during our first mobile sector session last week. I think everyone’s mobile product benefited immediately from the session including us at DoublePlay.”
After the session members discussed future topics such as monetization, testing distribution, and analytics and looked forward to collaborating over lunch again soon. “Founders Network is excited to support further sector events and programs this year. It wouldn’t be possible without the thought leadership and functional expertise in this community,” says Kevin Holmes Founder/CEO of Founders Network.
A big thanks to Kateryna for moderating the session and built.io for hosting. Members can listen to the full Mobile Clinic recording here.
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