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Name: Andrew Citores
Current Startup:JusCollege
Bio: My name is Andrew Citores, I was born and raised in Menlo Park and graduated from Bellarmine College Prep in 2006. I attended college at Loyola Marymount University for 1 year, and left after starting my first business in student entertainment.
Lessons Learned:
- Trends change and people change. You need to keep flexible and change with trends. Be ready to make big decisions and just go with it.
- I try to make as many mistakes as possible. You can’t really know what works until you have tried it all.
- If you do right by people, are honest, have fair pricing and are available when needed; your customers will keep coming back.
Staying Inspired: The number 1 company whose footsteps I would like to follow is Zappos. I am a huge believer that customer service and providing a great service is extremely important. At Zappos if you want to return your shoes you can do it at any time, free shipping both ways. If you want to call them at 3am they will talk to you and solve your issue.
I think every founder and CEO wants to be like Steve Jobs and be able to focus on the product and proving something that is perfect in every detail. Making sure that the details are right is a huge part of our business. If you travel with our service we don’t want you to think about the tiny details, we want you to use our service because it is better than anything you could have done yourself.
Mentors: Both of my parents are entrepreneurs. I have grown up my entire life watching them be successful with their businesses. I see the way they do things, their drive, enthusiasm and passion and try to approach my daily activities similarly. The fact that they are still in the office every day, never complaining and always pushing forward is an inspiration to me.
Want to learn more about @juscollege? Connect with Andrew on Twitter @andrewcitores