Founder Profile: Allen Tsai, Founder/CEO, Ekata Systems, Inc.

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Allen Tsai

Allen Tsai, Founder/CEO, Ekata Systems, Inc.

Name: Allen Tsai
Current Startup: Tapestry

Bio:  Ekata Systems was founded around a core belief that digital “space- and time-shifted” social interactions are anthropologically anti-social.  Ekata Systems has embarked on a mission to challenge the status quo that “social” should be asynchronous and purely digital by building mobile apps that re-emphasize social’s emotional, synchronous, and “analog” roots.  This is Ekata’s manifesto, and Tapestry is its first product.

Ansel Adams once said, “A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into.” Behind every picture, there lies a colorful story. Tapestry is a synchronized photo show-and-tell app that allows you to share your photographic stories with friends/family gathered around you. It attempts to recreate the around-the-dinner-table/around-the-campfire/around-friends-and-family atmosphere where simple photo-sharing turns into personal photo-storytelling.

Allen grew up in Los Angeles before coming up north to attend UC Berkeley, where he received his degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Business Administration.  He traveled extensively for work, and has lived in Shanghai, Taipei, HsinChu,, Dallas, and of course, the SF/Bay Area.  When not tending to his work baby, he enjoys nurturing his 3 real babies (Chloe: 3 years, Annabelle: 8 months, Haley: 8 months…that’s right, twins!).  When his wife Lydia gives him a free pass, he tries to log some track time in his car and motorcycle.

Lessons Learned: There is a fine line between tenacity and stubbornness. You need to find a good balance between your vision and while also being open-minded enough to receive feedback from customers and mentors.

Staying Motivated: For me motivation is innate. Once I start doing something I commit to it and see it though. You don’t have to think about being motivated, you are. It’s like breathing, you are breathing or you aren’t.

I think that there should be less focus on motivation and more focus positive thinking. There are endless possibilities and a light at the end of the tunnel for someone who can respond to the challenge with a positive attitude.

Greatest Mentors: I am very fortunate to have worked for superiors who were able to guide me and help me grow as a professional. They empowered me to take risks, make my own mistakes and learn from those mistakes.

Want to learn more about @TapestryApp?  Connect on Twitter!

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