Introducing the July ’14 Cohort of Tech Startup Founders

Founder Consulting

We are proud to introduce our July ’14 Cohort of Tech Startup Founders. Arranged alphabetically by last name.

Ganna BoikoGanna Boiko, Founder of RoundTeam. RoundTeam is a community-building tool which leverages simple idea of automatic retweet to build communities on Twitter. Ganna is based in San Francisco, California.


hal bringmanHal Bringman, Founder of Regivit. Regivit is in stealth mode. Hal is based in Los Angeles, California.



aj brunsteinAJ Brustein, Founder of Wonolo. Wonolo is an on-demand staffing platform (Uber for Staffing) that allows businesses to find talent to fill immediate hourly/daily job needs. AJ is based in San Francisco, California.


stacia carrStacia Carr, Founder of Ftopia. Ftopia is a collaborative file sharing solution for business use. Stacia is based in Madrid, Spain.



jenn chenJenny Chen, Founder of Paxinity Inc. Paxinity Inc is in stealth mode.



gerardo cinGerardo Cin, Founder of MyRing. MyRing is a High End Enterprise solution for CEOs and decision makers. Gerardo is based in New York City, New York.



Shamil HargovanShamil Hargovan, Founder of Wiivv Wearables Co. Wiivv Wearables Co. is an innovative athletic wearables company. Shamil is based in San Francisco, California.



Anam KhawajaAnam Khawaja, Founder of Letterfully. Letterfully created a blogging platform that uses Evernote instead of a typical dashboard to assemble your blog posts. Anam is based in San Francisco, California.


connor leeConor Lee, Founder of Hiplead. Hiplead drives sales and fill up your inboxes with leads. Conor is based in San Francisco, California.



Vikram NalagampalliVikram Nalagampalli, Founder of Voterite. Voterite is a world’s 1st social platform that connects constituents and empower them make a difference. Vikram is based in San Francisco, California.


richard ollierRichard Ollier, Founder of Giroptic. Giroptic created the 360cam which delivers easy real time streaming video over WiFi, recorded video, and still photos in the palm of your hand. Richard is based in Lille, France.


keyJames Romeo, Founder of Midwood Software. Midwood Software is a Technology Services firm focused on delivering complex software solutions that meet today’s business objectives. James is based in San Francisco, California.


jose vigilJose Vigil, Founder RoamTouch. RoamTouch is a lab company that specialization is in Human-Computer Interaction and creates solutions to enable people to interact with technology in more productive, organic and creative ways. Jose is based in San Francisco, California.


jeff woodwardJeff Woodward, Founder of Sage. Sage is the social way to shop for real food. Jeff is based in San Francisco, California.



With the addition of the May Cohort, Founders Network is now more than 500 members strong! We are excited about the deep and diverse experience sets and perspectives each new member brings to our peer mentorship community of tech startup founders. Together we are taking management and personal risk off the table and ensuring mutual success. Stay tuned to the fnBlog for startup updates, tips and lessons learned from each of our new members. To learn more about Founders Network click here.





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