fnMentoring helps you accelerate your startup and expand your high tech network through private advising sessions with featured guest experts. Sessions are free to members but require your RSVP. If you are not a member you can apply here. Next week’s featured guest(s) will be:
Metamorphic Ventures
Metamorphic Ventures is a New York City based venture capital fund that invests in start-up and early stage businesses exclusively in digital media and digital commerce technology sectors. Metamorphic Ventures believes that vast new waves of innovation and business opportunity are on their way leveraging the build out of the fixed and mobile broadband network. Metamorphic funds those early stage businesses in the digital media and digital commerce technology sectors. While it may appear that these are two distinct sectors, it is our view that they are in fact in the process of converging and that Metamorphic Ventures is one of a few venture firms with the expertise in both domains. The partners of Metamorphic Ventures seek to be great partners to those entrepreneurs pursuing the development of new and innovative businesses in these sectors.

Lewis Gersh – Managing Partner at Metamorphic Ventures
Lewis Gersh
Managing Partner
BA in English & Political Science from San Diego State University
JD and Masters in Intellectual Property Law from the UNH School of Law
Lewis has over 15 years of experience founding, investing in and advising start-up ventures. Prior to founding Metamorphic Ventures, Lewis was the founder and CEO of Worldly Information Network (WIN), a publisher of digital financial information to both the retail and institutional markets founded in partnership with AOL. Lewis successfully raised angel and venture capital, grew WIN into a profitable company and completed several acquisitions before its sale; but more importantly, he experienced all the ups and downs that every start-up goes through. He is also a member of the bar of the State of New York as well as the American Intellectual Property Law Association. Lewis is also a trustee of the UNH School of Law, an internationally recognized leader in intellectual property education.
fnMentoring is on Wednesday, 5/30/12 beginning at 10.30am. RSVP here for one of three available 20 minute slots to meet with our featured guest(s).
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