Giving Back
We encourage our community to support causes greater than their own through our participation in Pledge 1%. We donate 1% of profit through our Bright Funds Charitable Fund, 1% of product through our Non-Profit Membership and 1% of time through our social benefit programming and annual team volunteer day.
Pledge 1%
Founders Network is proud to partner with Pledge 1% to give 1% of profit, 1% of product and 1% of time to charity. Pledge 1% is a corporate philanthropy movement dedicated to making the community a key stakeholder in every business. Founders Network and Pledge 1% encourage and challenge our 600+ members and their startups to pledge 1% of equity, product, and employee time for their communities.
1% of Profit: Phin
FN member Douglas Lessing (February '13 Cohort) is the founder of Phin, a social good relationship marketing platform that helps companies create and nurture impactful 1:1 relationships with their customers through sponsored donations. Our charitable focus is on technology rights advocacy, corporate social responsibility enablement, mentorship to disadvantaged populations, and emergency relief.
1% of Product: Non-Profit Membership
Founders & CEO's of non-profit and B-Corp organizations can benefit from peer mentorship platform, programs and high-touch support with 30% off of annual membership dues. To qualify, founders must provide proof of 501(c)(3) status or B-Corp certification. Interested founders can submit an invitation request.

1% of Time: Non-profit Programming
In addition to an annual employee volunteer day, we donate time through the year producing non-profit and B Corp oriented programming ranging from Social Benefit Sector Group chaired by FN member Ty Walrod (February '13 Cohort), Founder of Bright Funds, a next generation platform for individual and workplace giving, to fnMentoring sessions featuring guests like Jon Storper, a leading advocate of B Corp legislation in California and Partner at Hanson Bridget, the first B Corp certified law firm. .
Get Involved
Please Pledge 1%, give to our charitable Bright Fund or request an invitation
to join FN as a non-profit and B Corp leader.